Tytuł: Letters to Robert Bloch and Others
Wydawnictwo: Hippocampus Press
Miejsce i data wydania: Nowy Jork, sierpień 2015
Spis treści:
- Introduction – David E. Schultz, S.T. Joshi
- Letters
- To Robert Bloch (167 stron)
- To Natalie H. Wooley (28 stron)
- To Robert and Mrs. Elmer Nelson (8 stron)
- To William F. Anger (24 stron)
- To Kenneth Sterling (55 stron)
- To Donald A. Wollheim (41 stron)
- To Wilson Shepherd (29 stron)
- To Willis Conover, Jr. (48 stron)
- Appendix
- Robert Bloch
- A Visit with H.P. Lovecraft
- Lilies
- The Black Lotus
- How I Get My Inspiration
- Milwaukee Youth Writes Horror Tales, Sells ’Em
- Natalie H. Wooley
- Admonition
- Dream Fantasy
- Antares
- Avatar
- The Alien
- Flight
- A Heavenly Tragedy
- Lines to Cleopatra
- Coward
- Sailor’s Child
- Western Night
- Mountain Trail
- End of the Trail
- Mountain Pool
- Sanctuary
- Dream Tryst
- The Adventure Story
- Is Criticism Necessary?
- Have You a Hobby?
- “Tillicum”
- The Dance
- Reminiscense [sic]
- Spurs of Death
- Robert Nelson
- Night of Unrest
- Fragment
- The Unremembered Realm
- Below the Phosphor
- Dream-Stair
- Jorgas
- Sable Revelry
- Under the Tomb
- Lost Excerpts
- Trilogy of Death
- The Weird Tale (A Dialogue)
- William F. Anger
- Fantastic Bread & Butter; or, the Mystery of the Missing Authors
- An Interview with E. Hoffmann Price
- Donald A. Wollheim
- Allalieor
- Umbriel
- Pure Fantasy
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft
- Editor’s Preface [to “The Shadow out of Time”]
- The Future of Publishing
- Kenneth Sterling
- The Horror Element in Poe
- Wilson Shepherd
- Willis Conover, Jr.
- Observations and Otherwise
- The Lost Chord
- The Spirits Mourn
- Chronology
- Glossary of Frequently Mentioned Names
- Bibliography
- Index
Ilość stron: 548
Ilustracja na okładce: Barbara Briggs Silbert (projekt)
Uwagi: Pełen zestaw listów Lovecrafta do Roberta Blocha oraz innych młodych korespondentów: Donalda A. Wollheima, Willisa Conovera, Kennetha Sterlinga, Natalie H. Wooley, Wilsona Shepherda, Roberta Nelsona i jego żony oraz Williama Fredericka Angera. Okładka miękka.